The Dilemma

Urvi Mehta Kadakia posted under Flash Fiction QuinTale-21 on 2020-07-16

Give me a good reason for filing your divorce” asked the lawyer.  She was silent.  She couldn’t say anything.  She was not able to put anything into words.  She knew that her married life was in a turmoil, but she was not able to express the reason. Sensing her dilemma, the lawyer gave her a printed paper in which there were around 20 common reasons for which divorce were usually filed in recent times.  She went through them.  Among 20, she could vouch for 15! She left the lawyers’ office without saying anything.  On the way home, while she was driving, she kept on thinking.  Why should she continue this relationship? This always gave her the answer that he loved her once.  But that love had withered away with time. It was very much evident from his each and every gesture how badly he treated her.  Before getting married everything was heavenly. He treated her like a Princess.  But after their wedding it was as if his male ego always wanted to prove its superiority.  They had drifted apart from each other in these five years.  To the extent that they hardly used to converse with each other.  Their routine was going to their respective offices and coming back home, having a quiet dinner and going back to sleep in different bed rooms.  She knew she had to take a decision.  Because if she carried on like this, she might go into depression. She had to save herself. She was educated and could easily live a comfortable independent life.  She didn’t need to become a burden on her parents.  Then why was she continuing such a loveless relationship ?  It was time she took a bold decision.   By the time she reached home, she had overcome her dilemma.  She knew what she wanted  She made a few calls.  After the eighth call, she got an accommodation on sharing basis where she could move in immediately.  She packed her belongings and was ready by the time her husband came home.  On seeing her bags he inquired,  “Where are you going at this hour ?” She said “I’m leaving.” He asked again “But where  ?”   “I’m leaving you” she answered confidently.  He was shocked to hear this.  He never ever imagined this would happen. She went near the doorway and said “You’ll soon receive the papers”.  He was aghast. “Bu but “ he stammered,  “sud suddenly ?” “Yes” she said.  “Suddenly I came to my senses.” “Listen, we can talk and work on this” he insisted. “What went wrong ?” She couldn’t believe him asking this question. When even he knew that there was nothing left in their relationship. They were just carrying on. And remembering the reasons which the lawyer had shown her in the evening, she said “Give me a good reason to continue this relationship”.   She left without waiting for a reply. _______________________________


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