The Dutch Date

Gowri Bhargav posted under PenMuse-29 Poetry on 2021-04-17

I went on a date with Vincent van Gogh, He greeted me with three kisses and a ‘hallo’, We cycled around the Dutch meadows, And plucked tulips that grew in several rows. He gifted me a vase with sunflowers, And took me to the Church at Auvers, We walked hand in hand enjoying the starry night, And ate potatoes baked by peasants under dim light. But soon his psychotic episodes began to scare me, His turbulent mind needed therapy, Dropping him in asylum, I bid adieu, And wrapped up the ephemeral rendezvous. *** Note: The Dutch generally greet each other with three kisses and they say ‘Hallo’ instead of Hello. Van Gogh’s famed oeuvres that have been mentioned in the poem; 1) Vase with Ten Sunflowers  2) The Church at Auvers 3) The Potato Eaters 4) The Starry Night
  • Vincent van Gogh is known for his chaotic paintings and tumultuous state of mind. A mathematical analysis of his works reveals that the stormy patterns in many of his paintings are like real turbulence.
  • Van Gogh suffered from psychotic episodes and delusions. He eventually committed suicide at the age of 37.


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