The Earth's Tribulations

Abshaar Saeed posted under PenMuse-18 Poetry on 2020-04-07

For years, priceless treasures which I had nurture The abode of all mortals from giant to miniature Flowing through mystic waters or floating on silent seas Buried in ice sheets or painted on coral reefs

Generosity of my heart was for all to discover This ground my soul and the sky my lover The embellishments of which held my gaze But slowly, my vision clouded by foggy haze My soul heated, eyes shed mordant tears Bounties embraced but disregarded were my fears Swaths of my belly devoured to ashes Of deers or koalas, or pines or bushes all reduced to carcasses I wished to share all which in me had contain There was more than every being could sustain So much has gone without even revelations My guardians were the cause of my trials and tribulations Now I lay tired, close to death Leaving the testimony of my last breath For those who will survive,  To what end these ruins can you revive? 


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