The Final Lesson

Alpna Das Sharma posted under Daddy Day Lessons on 2020-06-21

 She didn’t know how to let go. She held on to old dolls, friends long lost, fears and disappointments . Papa watched his darling daughter, his hazel eyes brimming with compassion and concern. He had taught her to be honest, and perseverant. But she had to learn to let go too. Being a surgeon, dealing with life- threatening emergencies daily, he was well aware of life’s unexpected twists and turns. When she would fret over marks in tests or grumble over a friend’s behaviour, he would enswathe her in a bear hug and divert her with stories. Her smile mattered more to him. So, Papa started setting examples . When he was offered lucrative jobs in big hospitals , he chose to do good work in a small city clinic and spent cherished time with his family. When she spoilt her  medical exams and broke down, he disregarded his  expectations and gave her the choice –‘courage to go on’ or ‘courage to let go’..both were okay. When her career took a backseat because of motherhood, she sulked. Papa canoodling his grandson, assured “ Its part of the game. Let go , enjoy the moment.” And then, his illness. Papa knew the prognosis. But how would she let go?  He performed the last of scheduled surgeries  and let go. He cuddled his grandchildren and let go. Yet she fussed, cajoled him, arranged alternative therapies  and prayed fervently, fighting the inevitable.  Until one day ,she caught the agony in his eyes and she knew. As the world ushered in a new year, she tiptoed to his bedside and  whispered in his ear “ Go!” A tear trickled down the corner of his eye. The final lesson was over.  She had learnt to let go.
