The Fine Balance

Bindu Pillai posted under Flash Fiction QuinTale-27 on 2021-02-23

“Oh no, not again! What happened now? I am very upset. When will all this end? I don’t know what to do? I know that you are upset. It’s affecting me too. You are not doing your job well. How can you say that? You know I am trying my best. If that was the case I would not be suffering for so long along with you and your mistress. It’s almost ten years now. This problem started only after her marriage. Before that she was such a cheerful and happy go lucky person. And that is also your fault. Who asked you to convince her that Ravi was the right person for her? Everyone was against this match but she listened to you and see what  happened. But at that time I thought that was the right decision. What I knew he would turn out to be such a jerk! By the way you were always delicate and fragile. Don’t try to blame me for your condition. I am amazed at your ignorance. You know we both are inter-connected. There’s a direct correlation between both of us. I know it has been ten years but even now you have the power to convince your mistress. Tell her to leave that idiot. I have had enough. You don’t understand my struggle. I try to be very strong but sometimes I have no control over my mistress. You know very well that there’s someone else also involved in this. Oh, don’t talk of that devil. He is the main culprit. Always trying to manipulate situations. Always creating confusions and muddling things. Why haven’t you been able to overpower him? I am very emotional and soft and gullible. I want my mistress to listen to me but I think he has a greater influence than me. He is too powerful. You know your faults and weaknesses. Only you can change yourself. There’s so much goodness within you. Use that to empower yourself.  I can’t tolerate it any longer. I fear I will just collapse one day. Only you can save me. Yes, I have to be stronger. I have to be stronger than him. I cannot allow that devil to destroy my mistress and both of us. Today the whole day I will keep counselling her. I will not let that creep  exercise his influence. If we both have to survive, I have to do my best. I will make sure that she listens to me. I am already feeling much better. The rumbling and the feeling of being on a roller coaster has stopped.  I am so happy to see that you have realized where you are going wrong. This battle will continue throughout but we have to emerge as winners.We cannot allow our mistress to break now. We have to free her, rescue her. Only you can do that. Finally I can see a light at the end of the tunnel. All the best.” Author’s Note: A simple reminder about how our emotions affect our gut health. And the constant battle between our heart and our mind ( the devil here) with one of them always being the winner. This conversation is between the heart and the stomach.


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