The Girl Next Door

Sarita Khullar posted under PenMuse-38 Poetry on 2022-02-09

“No,” I tell my mother blatantly, I am not  to take care of this naughty girl, She gets me late for  school everyday, “Why?”  mother enquires ,you start at least an hour early.’ ‘She swings at every gate on the way , And talks to even crows and dogs that sway,  Oh, what a nuisance it is to be a boy these days. Even worse to be older than the girl next door, Worst. if your mothers are  friends and you can’t refuse, To be her bodyguard  while going to school, She chirps all the way to school,  Fights with the children on the way, I grumble ,feel sheepish all the time, Being bullied for chaperoning a girl , She fights with bullies, taking my side Making me all the more ashamed ‘ Now her father is transferred and they are to go My Philia ,I know how badly I will miss you, Will be feeling lost all the way to school  Not just to school but to my life, Till we get a chance to meet again.


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