The Good Witch

A van halted abruptly in one of the forbidden trails. I sniffed, looks like another human breached the forbidden trail. Yet another prey! *** My VW camper van stopped abruptly amid a unmetalled path into the woods. The place was different. Finally, I found a nice spot to shoot a video for my travel vlog I parked my camper van with headlights on, engine off and strolled around the enchanting woods.  #Isn’t this place magical? Looks like I am into the Forbidden Forest! I captioned this with my cheeky smile amidst these misty woods and posted on Instabook I love travelling and ever since my travel vlog ‘travelophilia’ was born; I have been exploring unmapped boundaries. I laid down on the damp grass admiring the foggy surroundings and beautiful wild flowers. The wet spells gave out earthy fragrance that intoxicated my soul.  My stomach rumbled; I took out my ‘cuppa maggi’ that I had brought along.  #Hot maggi in making!  I sat on an old stump and savored my maggi. I heard some ruffling noise from the dense bushes.  I got up and stood rooted as two pairs of blue eyes stared at me.  A magnificent white tiger! My eyes went wide as it must have been about 10-feet long; its fur was milky white with brown stripes that enhanced its beauty. I was amused and terrified.  I was in love with this white beauty, only if it is not going to attack me.  She seems to be different. Oh my God! FINALLY! I tried calming the beast, “hey, I am not here to hurt you.”  Suddenly, strong winds blew, dark clouds gathered as if it was a bad omen.  “Ooh, another pretty target! I am the Dark Lord.”   “Hey, can you become Lord Voldemort just by wearing a black costume like him?”  “How dare you challenge me?” He closed his eyes and a bright red light emitted from a stick that looked like a mini umbrella rather than a wand. “Now watch this.” Gosh! The white tiger was now a handsome man; but, as soon as the red lights touched him, he was back to being the white tiger. “YIELD,” he howled. I was stumped and did as he said.  “Now, what shall I make you? A white rabbit?” “No, let...let me go!” I   “Hmm, let’s make you a white tigress then.” The monster guffawed. I tiptoed backwards. A stray of red light knocked me and I was thrown off balance. “Don’t Dare To Run!”  I squeezed my eyes as another red light was aimed at me but the magical umbrella-wand hit me. I was stunned as I saw white tiger pounced on the dark lord and looked at me, as though asking me to ACT, FAST. I pointed at the dark lord, “Hocus Pocus,” nothing transpired. The white tiger kept him distracted, “Abracadabra.” Nothing. How does this damn thing work?  I focused and pressed the wand harder, “Hookie Pookie,” something clicked, a ray of green light thwacked him. He vanished into thin air.  The white tiger transformed into a charming prince who approached me, “Thank You for saving my life, Good Witch.”    Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!