The Healer

Moumita Dutta posted under Poetry Tale-a-thlon S3: Poetry on 2023-08-21

Submit to the breeze, and through the cheery flow, let your soul scatter its worries like the Autumn leaves.  Let its gentle caress ignite your spirit and set you free from every distress and despair.  Give yourself to the air, and let it  take you off to realms unknown  for you to experience serenity. Let it fill you with a sense of  freedom, and energize you to discover yourself, afresh.  Surrender to the winds of change and permit it introduce you to life’s endless possibilities. Spread your wings and soar in air’s  august company, for, nature is a magical tonic that can stimulate our well-being.    Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!