The Healing Oath

Munira Dalal posted under PenMuse-29 Poetry on 2021-04-17

At the hospital accidentally bumped into Mr. Hippocrates Shared with him my benign experiences with some faculties Foremost the gynaecologist who pinched me to make me cry For disturbing my sleep I’d given her a smile wry Difficulty climbing stairs with one wobbly and other creaky knee An orthopaedic advised to replace both for a hefty fee An otolaryngologist magically pulled out wax from my ear Oh! We call them an ENT is what I hear One chair I don’t readily sit in, is the dentist’s The ominous drill machine makes my heart go in twists Erratic heart beats at this age; gave jitters than thrills The cardiologist assured everything is fine until the ECG stills!!!!


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