The Important Wedding

Sudha Vishwanathan posted under Flash Fiction QuinTale-35 on 2021-11-08

Mr. Chopra frantically bangs at his son's bedroom door. Finally, when the door opens, he is aghast to see his son, Sanjay, just out of his bed. "What is wrong with you, son, and why is your hair still like a bun? Didn't I tell you to cut them short? Please don't tell me the wedding you have decided to boycott." "Oh, dad, stop irritating me. I already told you and mom that I am not interested in this wedding. And why is there such ear-piercing music downstairs?" "Your aunts have gathered in a crowd. You see, they are so happy and proud to sing at a wedding of this sort, and here you are making efforts for the plan to abort. No, that cannot happen, son. You better get ready and run."  Just then, they hear footsteps approaching the room. "I had sent you to bring Sanjay downstairs, but you both seem to be discussing something comfortably sitting on chairs." Mrs. Chopra grumbles, and turning towards her son, she says, "Why are you not ready still? Can't you hear the Pundit's* voice shrill? Please get ready and come down soon. Remember, this day is a great boon." She rolls her eyes dramatically, much to the disgust of Sanjay.   "Sanjay refuses to marry this bride. He feels it will be a shame to his pride. His friends will laugh if they come to know about his wife. He asserts for him; it is a question of death and life." Mr. Chopra tries explaining the predicament to his wife. "Sanjay, please try to analyze the issues. We have looked into all possible avenues. This wedding is the only solution in sight, for your future to always be bright." Mrs. Chopra caresses her son's hair. He wriggles to get free from her and heaves a deep sigh. "Wonder from where the Pundit gets these ideas and proposals?" Sanjay grumbles. "Son, do not utter words of disgrace about him. It is because of his guidance today our joy is up to the brim. This marriage, the Pundit says, will ward off all evil eyes, and your life with Shivani will be happy and nice." Mr. Chopra tries to explain. "And if I say no to the wedding, what does he thinks is going to happen?" "He thinks upon Shivani evil may befall. It may bring about the end of the girl so beautiful and tall. But if you tie around the neck of Lakshmi, the yellow thread, nothing will happen that will cause any dread." 'Mooooooo…..' Lakshmi's sound pierces through the air.  "Be quick before she gets upset. It is time for her lunch, I bet." Both Mr. and Mrs. Chopra hurry downstairs, picking two bundles of hay on the way. Sanjay reluctantly gets ready not wanting to upset his parents. Little does he know that the Pundit has also suggested a first night with the bovine creature. Should we call it bad or is it sad!!! Pundit---an expert in a particular subject or field who is frequently called on to give opinions about it to the public.    Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!