The Jerryland

Vishwanathan Iyer posted under CrewToon Flash Fiction on 2021-11-14

This Diwali, a Sanyasi, as depicted by his saffron clothes visited our building. His vibrant eyes though gave away divine powers he possessed. While none of our society members entertained him, my grandmother offered him some rice and “Dakshina” through me. He seemed pleased. “Dear child, I’m happy with your gesture. Ask for a wish” “Give me powers to complete homework or pass the exams,” I blurted. He laughed at my innocence. “Ask something better,” “Okay, bless me such that my parents never scold or beat me.” I requested. His laughter grew in volume. I stood baffled. “Every child must study for passing. They must get punishments for mistakes. There is no escaping Karma,” the more sensible Sanyasi said. I nodded in agreement. “Ask something which you dreamt of?” he suggested Scratching my head, “Can I go to the Jerryland?” “Tathasthu, you can be there for one hour and then you will return here automatically,” he said and moved away. Like a movie, there were strange vibrations. Before I could realize it, I found myself in a dark room.  Seeing the light at the far end, I reached there and peeped out, it was my own house but I was reduced to a miniature size. Lo! I was in the mouse-hole - Jerryland. I got a tap from behind, it was Jerry. He smiled and welcomed me. We became friends instantly. “I’m so excited to see your place, Jerry!” I exclaimed. “This is a cool place. But the moment I step out, it’s a War.” Jerry laughed. “Yeah, I watch all your encounters with Tom,” I added. “Hmm, I have a lot of strategies to fight out that big cat,” he said curling his moustache. “Can we play with him now?” I requested. “Come, behind me. Be careful. I will run. Make sure that you run fast too,” the instructions of Jerry followed. We both went out in search of the big cat. We moved carefully but could not find him. “This seems to be an off day,” Jerry announced proudly. “Hahaha,” The big cat laughed. “Not an off-day friend, today I have a new recipe too, it seems,” he blabbered. I trembled. Jerry caught my hands and shouted, “Run” I ran with my heart in my mouth. I knew I had to outrun Jerry. He would manage Tom like every day.  It seemed I was successful. I hid behind the dining table getting back my breath. I could not believe what I saw. Tom pounced upon Jerry and shouted, “Today is our last episode, dear friend.” Before he could lift his paw, I saw jerry laughing and teasing Tom from the other end of the house. I was astonished, thinking to myself, “How did this happen?” Jerry winked and instructed me to reach the hole.  Slowly, I reached the Jerryland.  Jerry was already inside. He welcomed me again and offered me a seat. “How did you manage that trick, Jerry?” I asked excitedly. Jerry blew a whistle. I was about to get a second dose of magic. I could find another Jerry at the other end of the hole. I exclaimed, “How is this possible?” Jerry said, “Don’t panic friend, we are twins! No one in this world knows this secret. You are the only one to know this. We fool Tom always. He catches one, the other one rescues him.” I laughed my heart out and did not know how to react for a master stroke by the twin-Jerries. I was about to hug them, that I found the vibrations happened and I landed back on our society ground.   I realized I was back to my regular world but with a big secret about the Jerryland!!! [ratemypost] Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!