The Joy of Living

Poornima Sivaraman posted under Flash Fiction QuinTale-47 on 2022-12-13

Live and enjoy each day on your own terms is their definition  of ' The joy of living.'

Rajesh and Rani were a septuagenarian couple who spent most  of their life in Pune .They knew every book in the city.

Their son lived in UK with his wife and a 16year old- daughter.

Their daughter lived in Chennai with her 10 - year- old son.

They visit the couple often.

The elderly couple watched 'Marathi ' movies and Dramas. They were loved by the residents of the complex they lived in Kalyani Nagar.

They planned vacations  in India and overseas.

They met in their society club for an hour.

Played cards or carom or sit and chatted

At times, a potluck is organized and they spend the time reveling in joy.The menu is decided  keeping in mind of everyone's  choice.

That's their definition of the joy of living.

Sometimes a visit tongue zoo is planned. After spending sometimes there, they visit a park or enjoy dinner in a restaurant.  They shared an amicable bond with everyone.

When any of their children visit them, they throw a big party and enjoy.

Their life moved happily.Someone comes out with a new idea and discussion  on that topic continues till late night.

The next , they all hot up refreshed and that day goes off well.

The whole group were an enthusiastic  lot. They loved to be active .Most  of them go for a  morning walk in their complex walking track, do yoga together.

They laughed together, to pump fresh air to the lungs. Relax and plan fir that week and the month.

If anyone needed help in shopping or a visit to a hospital, all are ready to help.

They lived like a big family.

Most of their children were away.

They knew all should be active physically  and mentally to live and enjoy life merrily.

Only in case of serious  condition, their children are informed.

They were all members if some Help group like ' EMOHA' where they get all the help. Doctors on duty Taking to the hospital check ups and they plan discussion  and arrange activities for them.

Live and enjoy each day on your own terms is their definition of ' The joy of living'.

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