The Last Christmas

Nayna Chakravorty posted under Flash Fiction Giggles@Penmancy on 2019-11-13

Noooo, not again! Coco squirmed sleepily. Mint always did that! Every time Strawberry, Candy and Coco wanted to catch some sleep, Mint tried all her antics to wake them up. “What is it Mint?” asked Coco peevishly. Mint brought her mouth closer to Coco’s ears and said, “ There’s something interesting, Coco… look!” “ There isn’t anything of that sort for sure, Mint.. just go now and let us be!” snubbed Coco. But Mint wouldn’t give up easily.“ Wake up Coco, you HAVE to see this!” Not that Coco had any other option. “ Now show us what you have to … please make it quick, Mint,” said Coco as she got up groggily. “Look, a new bed for us!” Mint exclaimed with joy. Strawberry and Candy also joined them. Blinking and rubbing their eyes, they came closer to a red, velvety mattress. “ Mom said that our owner is very kind and got this specially made for us.. Our Christmas gift!” Mint added. The couch was well cushioned and looked so comfortable! “ But mom says that very soon we would be given up for adoption .. so how can the bed be for us, Mint?” Strawberry’s words came as a harsh reminder. Coco and her sisters did hear it from their mom before. Candy sighed, “ We’ll be separated soon!” Silence ruled for some time. Breaking the silence, Mint said, “ Weren’t these two months awesome being together? Wherever we go now, wherever we remain, we will always remember this last Christmas together, right?” For the first time, the three sisters felt like giving this naughtiest sibling a tight puppy-hug. The four furry little sisters jumped onto the mattress and shouted gleefully, “ Merry Christmas…Woof!”


