The Love for Radio

Saumya Ojha posted under Flash Fiction QuinTale-18 on 2020-04-05

It was 1968, in one of the villages of Rajasthan, there was a girl Surbhi. She was full of life. She was fond of radio, Radio was her best friend. She used to listen to it always. After two years she got married to Vikram. Vikram was in the army. They both were happy in their marriage. They both used to listen to songs and news on the radio. Their life was happy. Surbhi gave birth to a sweet baby. They kept his name Akash. Vikram told Surbhi that “I want Akash to become a pilot”. Surbhi answered, “ we will do anything for it.” After some days Vikram returned to his work. It was the time of India - Bangladesh war. Surbhi and Akash used to listen to the news of war on the radio. Surbhi used to teach Akash and arranged everything for him so that he could study well. Akash was a hardworking child. He always used to get good marks. Surbhi used to write letters to Vikram about Akash. Everything was good in their life. One evening Surbhi was in the market. Her neighbour asked her "did you listen to the news on radio”? Surbhi asked, “ What happened”? Her neighbour replied go and listen “it’s about the war”. Surbhi ran towards her home. Open the radio, there was news going on about the war. It was about the camp where Vikram was posted, they told during the war every one died. No one remained alive. Surbhi was shocked. Akash was crying. Their whole world became dark. They both cried. Their relative and neighbours came and consoled them. Surbhi put that radio in the cupboard and thought that she will never open it again. But as we all know, life goes on. Due to the hard work of Akash and support of Surbhi. Akash became pilot in the Indian Air Force. After some time Akash married to Radhika. They all became a happy family but Surbhi always missed Vikram a lot. She used to talk to him in loneliness. She used to open her cupboard and touch the radio. How many memories were there with this radio. But this radio gave the worst news of her life. So she never opened it. But the radio was her life, from her childhood. She used to cry a lot. One day her daughter in law told her that a news coming on the radio about the Akash. She came “ Ma please switch on the radio let’s listen to the news.” Surbhi said “ No beta, I can’t, I had decided long back not to see this radio again, don’t force me ”. Radhika insisted her to switch it on. They switched it on..there was news going on. The news was like this “Captain Akash received a bravery award” because of his brave work during the war. Surbhi was on cloud nine. Surbhi and Radhika hugged each other. Surbhi kissed the radio and said you have returned my happiness. I was knowing it you would do something hard to be back in my life. ______________________________


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