The Love Story

Sheetal Ashpalia posted under Flash Fiction QuinTale-21 on 2020-07-10

Give me a good reason, why we shouldn’t be doing this?” she looked at me. Fear mirrored her eyes. My throat felt paralyzed. I couldn’t answer. We simply stared at each other’s faces, memorizing every feature. Before we jumped off. Six months ago It had been love at first sight. For me, at least. As I walked into the gym, I noticed her instantly. She was a brunette, tall and athletic. Her toned body and lean muscles gave me the impression that she was a runner. Her stamina was impressive for a girl and I said so as she got off the treadmill.  She looked at me and gave a faint smile, before walking away. I was not used to this rebuff from the opposite sex. At 6’4” with a lean yet strong physique, females swooned and often vied for my attention.  In the coming weeks, I tried to speak to her whenever I bumped into her at the gym. But the ice maiden refused to thaw. One night, as I walked out of the gym into the dimly lit parking lot, I noticed her standing next to her car, looking upset. “Is something wrong?” I asked, concerned. “My car won’t start. It’s just come back from service and now it won’t start. I don’t know what’s wrong,” she sounded exasperated. “Well, I would offer to repair it, but I don’t know the first thing about cars. I guess it will have to wait until morning. I can drop you home if you wish,” I offered. It was the gentlemanly thing to do. She hesitated. “Listen, I have two older sisters and they will have my hide if they know I left you stranded here alone. It’s late and I just want you to get home safely,” I added. Thinking for a moment, she took me up on my offer and I dropped her home. That was the beginning of our love story. We discovered that we shared many common interests in food and literature including our mutual love for adventure. As weeks went by, it seemed natural to move in together and our savings pool grew along with our quest for adventure.  We checked them off our bucket list one by one. Para gliding at Pokhara, Nepal was followed by bungee jumping in Altopiano di Asiago at Vincenza, Italy. From hiking to river trails, we had nearly done it all. And here we were now.  As we jumped off the plane, I felt my breath catch in my throat. We fell through the air and intense adrenaline kicked in. I felt my heart race and took a deep breath. I glanced in her direction and the look of pure joy on her face invigorated me. The cool air brushed my face, calming my nerves. As Jungfrau slid into my view and the parachute opened, we looked at each other again, the happiness reflecting on our faces what we felt inside. One more checked off the list.
