The Lovers’ Colloquy

Sanjukta Ghoshal posted under Poetry Tale-a-thlon S1: Poetry on 2021-08-30

Earth I yearn for your soft lips on mine, As you send shivers down my spine.  With your breath, a nip in my skin, You fill me with rapture, within, My love, come home, I croon. Your cohorts, they clap, in consent, As on my bosoms, you descend, And caress my curves, tease my core, Drench me with fervour, and some more, My love, come soft, I moan.  ……  Rain I sigh... Parched, barren, there you lie,  Beneath the ruthless summer sky, Worn, frayed, and yet with divine grace, Waiting for my touch on your face, My love, come I have, home. As I pour, in your flaws and chinks,  You blush green, and gush o'er your brinks, And ooze the scent of ardour, wild, The petrichor, heady, but mild. My love, come, let's make love.   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!