The Masked Life

Roohi Bhargava posted under Flash Fiction Quintale-17 on 2020-03-08

"Born in the world is a blessing, they say. That's true. You're born in a family, which is your first home and when you grow up, the whole wide world becomes your second home. Yet, you do not know who's your friend or enemy. Gone are the days when everyone was selfless. Today, everything is fake. And this is the bitter truth of our society. "  Ruhana finishes her statement and her best friend, Ishika reads it aloud.  Ishika chides her for over thinking while Ruhana smiles at her friend. She knows she has got a true friend in Ishika, but she cannot stop herself thinking about the society. She cannot deny the fact that the life we are leading is mechanical. People are selfish these days, although, exceptions still prevail. "It's a thought, Ishika. And when you will take a close look at people around you, you will agree with me." Ruhana says.  "But we are not fake." Ishika replies.  "I know. But everyday, when we wake up, we wear a mask. Yes, we stay genuine to each other, but our attire, body language and tone changes for every other person we meet." Ruhana says with a smile.  That's true. Ishika can't help agreeing with Ruhana. We all are habitual of wearing a mask. We don't want to be weak before other people, we do not want our parents or friends to be worried, so, we wear fake smiles telling them that we are all fine. But that's for others' good, isn't It true?  "you're right. I don't like this fact." ishika says thoughtfully.  "but this is the reality. People befriend you only until you help them or you agree to everything that they say. If you're not useful, they'll throw you out of their life." Ruhana says dejectedly.  "Yeah! And in that case, those people aren't true to themselves either." Ishika says.  Ruhana agrees. In order to know other people, to expect others to be truthful to you, one must learn to be truthful to themselves. Everyone has their own problems and their own ways to solve them. But, the least one can do is to stay true. But they wear masks for themselves as well.  "One person blames others that they are two faced. But they never think about themselves. They may appear two faced to people around them. But they do not agree." Ruhana says.  "Exactly! When everything and everyone has worn masks to hide the reality, why do we expect truth from other people. Wearing a mask is good, if you don't want to hurt or worry anyone, but you should be true to yourself." Ishika says.  "Exactly, my words. Masking is alright in this world, today. But not always. When you'd be true with your own self, people around you will change as well. World will be beautiful." Ruhana says clasping hands with Ishika.  Ishika agrees and Ruhana ends her diary entry with the facts they just discussed. They seem determined to bring the change. _____


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