The Masked Messiah

Priya Washikar posted under Flash Fiction Quintale-17 on 2020-03-27

‘Ladies and Gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. In ten minutes we are going to land at the Cayman Airport. Hope you had a perfect flight. Thank you for flying with Virgin Airways’. The announcement in the aircraft broke Dr Daniel’s reverie. He took a deep breath and squeezed his wife’s hand lovingly.’ At last the long awaited vacation’, thought Dr Mary smilingly. The private car would pick them up from the airport and take them to the beach resort, from where they shall begin their cruise trip. Dr Daniel Cross was an extremely successful and busy surgeon in Chicago. So, celebrating their 20th wedding anniversary in chic style was something he and his wife Mary deserved. ……………………. Dr Mary was an anaesthetist at their hospital. ’I think for the past couple of months, I have seen you most of the time in your mask dear hubby’, she said, ruffling his hair lovingly. ‘You know how much I adore the way your eyes do the talking, you masked Messiah.’ David was enjoying the jovial mood his wife was in. Phew! What a month it had been. They were working round the clock, to deal with the sudden influx of patients in their hospital. Lifestyle changes had given rise to the number of heart disorders, he thought ruefully. But it had its own perks, he thought slyly. Hmm! It was time to hang up the boots for a while now. …………………………. They settled in their suite, enjoying a glass of wine. Little did they know what awaited them on the next day of their cruise when they were scheduled to arrive at the quaint Owen Island. Or did they?! ………………. The persistent ringing of the intercom, in their suite woke them up. It was the Manager of the Cruise ship. ‘Good Morning Sir!’ We have an emergency. The management has asked me to check if there’s any specialist on board Mary smiled to herself wryly. The ‘doctor’ in them had taken over. David got ready and rushed downstairs to the infirmary. Mary followed soon after.  She knew exactly what his eyes were seeking. It was none other than her. Their eyes met over their masks and millions words were exchanged in that one glance. A decision was made. Till everything was back to normal here, the ‘Doctor’ in him shall not rest. No wonder people back home literally worshipped him. But the headlines in the Cayman Herald next day read. ‘Tragedy strikes in the middle of the Sea. Doctor couple from Chicago tries to save patient, but in vain.’  After all their eyes did the talking in that operation theatre last night. All it needed was a heavy dose of anaesthesia and a slit at the right place to get the organ out, before the patient breathed his last. The Messiah, her husband. She fell in love with him all over again..! It was time for another expensive vacation soon! _______________________________


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