The Mournful Dilemma

Anwee Mazumder posted under PenMuse-03 Poetry on 2019-01-20

Her heart wrenched, sorrow engulfed her again, When the news stirred up her deeply buried pain. It read, religion leaves two more lovers dead, As it once did with her own beloved. It was a warm spring evening, he proposed with a ring, She accepted. In joy, her eyes kept twinkling. That beautiful sight was a great sore for their eyes, As they caught him in the act and tagged it as a vice. She pleaded, fought, with him even tried to run away, But religion doesn’t know mercy, rather, chose to slay. Beaten, bloodied, lifeless, he was lying there in the field, She groaned, mourned, wailed in pain, her heart has never been healed. When will they understand, love and religion are one and the same? The death toll will continue to rise, she doesn’t know whom to blame.  


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