The Nest

Munira Dalal posted under PenMuse-11 Poetry on 2019-09-17

As the sun bids adieu
And dips to meet the horizon
The canvas of the sky
Turns into a painter’s delight
Twittering chirping birds
Return eagerly home
To their nest……..
Where their heart lies
Sadly there are many unfortunate
Unable to return to their nest
Old age home is now
Their home…..away from home
Plight of many senior citizens
In today’s uncaring times
Their sunsets not so colourful
As the Master’s canvas
Children they reared and cared 
With unconditional love
Giving them their best
O! So busy are their offspring
Not a second to spare
Tales of princes and fairies then
Put them to bed
The storytellers now still have tales
But no one to tell
Hands that were once, strong and sturdy
Helped tiny feet to walk
Unsteadily now they walk alone
Walking stick their only friend
Needing family and friends the most
Living with strangers
Familial memories haunt them
Their eyes glued to the door
Will they ever see; the face they know
When will the phone ring and sing
Come back home
Flapping their sturdy wings
Young birds fly away
Empty nest sways precariously
Old birds with fear eye the storm
