The Pause

Kajal Kapur posted under Book Review on 2023-02-09

"The Pause" by Monica Singh is a truly exceptional collection of stories that are sure to leave a lasting impression on the reader. The author's ability to evoke strong emotions through her writing is truly remarkable. Each of the seven stories in this book teaches the reader important lessons about courage, perseverance, and bravery in the face of adversity. The stories in this book are a reflection of the author's own contemplative journey, and they offer the reader an opportunity for introspection as well. It's rare to find a short story collection that delivers a complete and emotionally impactful experience, but "The Pause" does just that. The author's writing is both courageous and heartfelt, and her stories are sure to touch the reader's heartstrings. I found it difficult to choose just one or two favorites from this book, as each story offered something special - whether it was a warm and fuzzy feeling, an opportunity for self-reflection, or a powerful emotional connection with the characters. The author's writing is so powerful that I found myself reaching for tissues on more than one occasion. These are some of the stories that left an impact on me, though. "A Day in a Superhero's Life" is a moving story about a protagonist who is living with a terminal illness. Despite the inevitability of their deterioration, the protagonist finds strength in persevering and continuing on. The ray of hope they hold on to is not just for themselves but also for their mother, who is a symbol of strength and resilience in her unwavering hope for her son's survival. The author's portrayal of the struggle is raw and genuine, and it will leave a lasting impact on the reader's heart. "Thursday's Adventures" is a powerful and emotional story about children who are dealing with an alcoholic and abusive father. Despite the difficulties they face, the children find comfort in books, particularly the magic of Harry Potter, which inspires them to strive for a better life rather than become consumed by self-pity. The inclusion of words and their dictionary definitions adds an unique touch to the narrative, making it a truly exceptional read. "One and a Half Minute" is a deeply moving and powerful tale that will leave a lasting impression on the reader. Set against the backdrop of the 26/11 attacks on the Gateway and Taj in Mumbai, the story highlights the struggles of a common man. What stands out about the author's portrayal is the emphasis on the common man and the impact of the events on their life. 
If you haven't had the chance to read "The Pause" yet, I highly recommend that you do. The stories in this book are bound to leave you with something valuable for life, and the author's writing is sure to stay with you long after you've finished reading. Here's wishing Monica Singh the best of luck in her writing journey and looking forward to more stories and books from her in the future. ~*~ Grab your copy here: