The Pause

Moumita Dutta posted under Book Review on 2023-02-12

Ps: I read the authors note, and urge all readers to do so, to understand the thought behind this special book. One common thread that keeps us alive is Hope. And these stories are well knit with that very string of hope. I believe, the stories will restore hope in your hearts once you connect to the characters and see them emerge in a better light. This book is like a balm for a seared soul. A cool breeze on a scorching noon. Yes, there is cruelty and abuse; death and misery, for, it’s all part of life. But what I loved are the endings. For, all that matters is, how it all ended or at the least, an assurance that there is still hope for a new beginning.  I was thrilled to receive this book at one of the monthly writing events on Penmancy. Having read Monica Singh’s gut-wrenching and spine-chilling stories on the same platform for more than a year now, these stories came as a complete surprise. ‘The Pause’ will inspire and edify the readers. The stories are short but they hold immense depth. To understand what I’m trying to convey, you have to read her amazing work and follow her YouTube Channel ‘Pay It Forward.’  A Day In A Superhero’s Life   What I loved most in this story is the last line. It spoke a lot about human relationships and equally showed the author’s refined thought process. This is the story of a young man who was suffering from muscle atrophy. The story tugged at my heart-strings as I could see the entire day unfold before my eyes. Tinu and Minu, the two cats found home and in a fine way, the author showed how the mother accepted them eventually, thus assuring her son that his pets will be taken care of in his absence. These emotions and their fine portrayal surely warmed my heart. The title was apt and the language, lucid. No unnecessary drama, not rushed, yet one will connect to the sentiments of each character deeply. It showed how the ‘Superhero’ and his mother were reticent about their feelings, yet they held on to hope despite all odds. That’s what is life about, isn’t it?  I loved this thought and the powerful storytelling.   Thursday’s Adventures  Every book lover will relate to this story. If not with Milli’s life, they will relate to her love for books and the magic books hold. This story is about Milli, her brother Vishu,  their mother and her abusive father who thought books are dangerous, especially for a girl. But her school librarian, Mr Nath, turned out to be her guiding angel. His words rekindled her passion to read story books. Vishu’s character is etched in a heartwarming way. A supportive brother who stood by her in thick and thin. I loved these words- “Milli, books are dangerous only to those who fear possibilities. Those who are terrified of change. Books are not just some words printed on paper. They are ideas. They are thoughts and feelings and hope.” Indeed they are! The ending brought tears to my eyes. Life’s stories, some memorable moments, gestures that make big differences, the bonds we share with our siblings...all these has been brought out beautifully by the author. Every reader will feel and cherish these bonds. Phoenix  Rising     One can guess from the title that this story is about new beginnings; about moving forth with might. Here, you will meet Meera, a mother of two kids, and a victim of domestic violence who suffered silently and never dared to speak up just for the sake of her kids. After years of torment, Meera finally finds strength to fight back when her daughter Anya comes to her refuge. The brave little girl spoke against her father’s ghastly actions without fearing of the outcome. Her actions instilled hope and motivated Meera to finally break free of her abusive relationship and move forth with might. The author sent a beautiful and positive message through this story. Sometimes help comes from the most unexpected people and at situations when you need it the most. And that even a little girl can show you the right way; can inspire you to do the right thing despite all odds. Through this story, the author showed the varied faces of human relationships. It showed that there’s both good and bad and it’s upto us what we choose, for our sake and for the sake of those we love, and those who loves and needs us. This one is an stirring tale and many can draw inspiration from Meera’s life and rise like a phoenix, with hope. The Other Man Life at times put us in tough situations when the urge to live gets suppressed by the urge to give up. Our mind play tricks and forces us to believe that quitting is the only solution. But again, life throws unexpected twists at us, that marks as a new beginning. It teaches us to see things in a different light and instills hope in our hearts. This story is about one such situation. Two men, from different walks of life coincidentally meet when both are on the verge of giving up their lives. They start conversing and eventually each turned out to be the saviour of the other. They decide to give life a second chance and start all over again to accomplish their unfulfilled wishes. Through this story, the author conveyed a positive message to the readers. That at times, even a stranger can show us the right path. That our sorrows lessen when shared and it helps us to see clearly; decide what’s right. The emotive plot and her fine storytelling made me connect to the characters and empathize with their situation.  Tangerine  This is one of my favourite stories of this book and my heart welled up as I read it. It is all about the bonds we share; be it with a pet or our parents. Not just the animal lovers, but I feel many will connect to this story deeply. For, it is all about closures and relationships; empathy and hope. Shalini, the protagonist meets a stray cat who eventually lands at her doorstep with a fractured leg. She takes him in, names him Tangerine and tries her best to help him recover, while fighting the odds of the Covid lockdown. Her moments with Tango revived hope in her heart, rekindled the dormant emotions and taught her to confront her fears. One will feel the emotions once they read the story and connect with the characters. He helped her to find her lost self back, make peace with her past, and reconcile with her mother after years. The author sent a meaningful message through this heart-touching story. The authors fantastic storytelling made me feel for each character and fall in love with Tango. One And Half Minutes I was left speechless after reading this story. It started with Kachra and Motar, two rag pickers who had no one but each other to lean on. They were trying to make ends meet, somehow managing through thick and thin when one drastic incident shattered their lives. The twist came when one night one of them became the victim of a terrorist attack. The gory event came alive through the author’s powerful storytelling. With Mumbai as the backdrop, the detailed descriptions of the incident raised my goosebumps. How one and half minutes destroyed lives and separated kachra and Motar forever. This story sent a bag of mixed emotions. One moment you feel good knowing about the two boys and the next moment you are filled with anger and grief. My favourite lines from the story was-“Tears poured down his cheeks, but his hands never stopped.” The readers are bound to feel the emotional turmoil Kachra was in. The author showed so much through such less words. One will definitely feel for the victims, including the dead and the suffering. If there was Kachra and Motar on one side, who set a beautiful example through their friendship, then there were those who destroyed lives to spread terror and push many into a state of despair thus snatching their loved ones forever. A gripping tale highlighting the good and evil face of the humans of the world. Painful yet true. This story will surely make you ponder and lament. Null And Void This story is set on a familiar scenario of a love marriage gone wrong. We hear a lot of breakup stories, but this one will make you think several times. This is not about the differences in faith, but of human characteristics. Rehan and Suvarna defied the norms to tie the knot but a few days into the marriage, the girl gets the taste of  her husband’s cynical attitude. Here, the author painted a true picture of an abusive relationship and the difference in the psychological facet of each character. It made me wonder if it was the societal structure or her own mindset that stopped Suvarna from breaking free. But soon a brawl between the once love struck couple, brings a twist in the tale. Rehan meets with an accident but puts the blame on Suvarna, who strangely accepts it as her fault. Suvarna’s character had both the strong and weak sides, and her return to her parents place, the scene of their encounter, warmed my heart. A very meaningful tale that I think many will connect to and take inspiration from Suvarna who eventually breaks free and moves forth with hope towards a new beginning.   This book is definitely worth the read ‘cause it’s not ‘just another book of short stories’ but real life incidents; tales of people like you and me and many others out there. Each story carried a message- that no matter how grave the situation is, we must be brave and hold on to hope. All we need to do is opt for a deliberate ‘Pause’ and give life a second chance. The only thing I missed was an epilogue. I strongly felt that this book needed one. Some thoughts, an inspiring message or a kinda closure after those soul-stirring stories.  The language was lucid, the plots were poignant and relatable, thus making it an easy and enjoyable read. Each story will take the readers on an emotional ride and tug at their heartstrings. So, get it, read it, share and talk about it to your friends and family, and don’t forget to leave a review on Amazon to appreciate the author’s efforts. I wish Monica Singh all the very best in her future endeavours.  ~*~ Grab your copy here: