The Pearl of your Experience

Pooja Gupta posted under Daddy Day Lessons on 2020-06-21

Pooja looked at it. She didn’t like it anymore. Anshika’s was modern and much attractive. A plan was already ready in her mind; she just needed to execute it.                                                            …………. “Why are you crying?” Pooja’s dad got worried. “Dad, i fell down and hurt myself. Besides, my bicycle also damaged,”she was inconsolable. “How? it seems you slipped badly. Luckily you escaped injury,” he asked her looking at the cycle. “i hit the pole and cycle’s front end collapsed.” she narrated her story. Two hours had passed- “Pooja, hope you are fine. i am afraid tomorrow onwards you have to walk to your tuitions,” announced dad. “But dad, is it my fault?” she retorted.     “Pooja, Sharma uncle told me everything. Do i need to say more?” he looked at her. She felt embarassed. “Dad, I have been asking you for cycle with gears just like Anshika’s . Why are you so strict?” she blurted out. “Dear, when we bought this cycle three months back, we made a deal that you will use this for at least a year. But again you got carried away by your friend’s cycle.If you won’t value money, you are bound to suffer. Stop making comparisons. What you have, others only dream of! “Is papa right?” the teenager was forced to think. Pooja commuted to her tuition for a year without bicycle as per the deal and didn’t complain. She had understood the essence of dad’s lesson; the words were etched in her heart                                                   …………………………………………………. “Dad , even after so many years, i carry the jewel of your advice on happiness and satisfaction. I wish to pass on this to my children; be happy with what you possess.”Pooja wrote in her personal diary.


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