The Pink Heart

Babita Kejriwal posted under Flash Fiction QuinTale-11 on 2019-08-22

Mini was a happy child, she was loved and pampered by everyone in her family. She lived in a lovely house with a beautiful well manicured garden which had a swing. She was ten years old and had an amazing set of friends; they often came over, they sat on the swing and played games in the garden. Life was beautiful! Then something happened which changed her life completely; her mother conceived and that came as a big surprise to her. The next few months passed in a daze as there was too much planning and arrangements to be done. Time flew with the speed of light and at last the moment came when her mom was admitted to the nursing home and she gave birth to a bonny baby boy. Suddenly the environment became festive and celebratory, everyone was grinning from one end to the other. After returning home that day, the customary steel plate was banged with a rolling pin to herald the arrival of the special one. Next day, small gifts were distributed to the close relatives and visitors who came with all their blessings for the baby. With all this crazy extravaganza Mini felt lonesome, neglected and left out, she was suddenly all alone in this whole wide world. When the time came for her mom to return home with the baby, the whole house was decorated with blue and white balloons. Mini wondered how she would cope with all these activities; she needed some time with herself and a break too. She decided to go to her favorite store which housed her kind of stuff; cute trinkets, books and small gift items. She always found this place magical and right now she needed magic to bring the light back into her life. She sat there, rummaging through all the different items with interest; as it is no one noticed her these days, so her absence would not be missed. Without her realizing an hour had elapsed; she was so absorbed with the stuff in the store that she completely lost track of time. As she looked around, suddenly she was attracted to a soft pink heart which said, ‘I love you’ on being pressed. From the background she heard someone saying, ‘Hello, is it me you’re looking for?’ she was surprised as there was no one clearly visible around; she had a magnetic pull towards this heart. The more she pressed it, the ‘ I love you’ melted away all the stress and anticipation which she was feeling these days. The heart also provided her with a loving warmth which she needed desperately; she held it to her own heart to feel its closeness and she did not want to let it go. She looked at the price , it was at a discounted price of 100 bucks; inside her wallet was only Rs.100. She paid and left the store, happier and lighter since she had entered!! ______ ______