The Prompt

Shashikala Gadepally posted under Flash Fiction QuinTale-34 on 2021-10-24

It was a long day at office. Srujana stretched herself loosening the tie that felt like a noose around her neck. The thought brought a sardonic smile on her face. Noose! what an apt description! The tie was like a metaphor for her present situation. Around the neck, tight and stifling, it was as unwanted and repulsive as the Mangalsutra hanging in her neck.  She felt throttled. Life was hanging midway just as her decision was.  Srujana got up, splashed cold water on her face, made coffee for herself and sat in the lounge sofa. She dreaded going home. The cold stares of her parents, the taunting glares of her brothers was becoming intolerable. The support that she had expected from her parents was nowhere in sight. The next shift employees were trickling in. Her reluctance grew. If only she could delay going home! The buzzing of her phone broke the chain of her thoughts.  “Hell…” “You b**** you can not do this to me. How dare you send al egal notice…. I will not agree for a divorce…mutual? Forget it. I will not let you live in peace, nor in one piece…” Click went her phone. She was completely shaken. The dreaded moment had come. She picked up her bag and walked out trying not to breakdown in the office premises. As she was about to get into the lift she felt a light touch on the shoulder; aghast she turned back to see Amar, her team leader, smiling at her.  “Srujana, how about a cup of coffee?” “Err… no. I am… I need to go.” “All ok?” “I think…” “Don’t hesitate to share whatever is troubling you.” “Thank you, Amar.” She got into the cab and left. *** “Amma, today is the final hearing. Papa will you accompany me to the court?” “You don’t need anyone Srujana. The step you have taken has brought disgrace to the family. You are strong-willed, confident and a rebel. Do what you want. None of us is coming with you.” Her brother ‘s voice said it all. *** Srujana walked out of the court feeling relieved. She took a deep breath and smiled. Life was waiting for her with open arms. Amar was waiting at the tea stall.  “Amar, I have won a battle. It calls for a cup of tea, if not a party.”  “Thanks for coming……..” “Amar! This is not the end. The court has granted divorce to us, but I don’t quit so easily. I will not let you live in peace. Never…” Amar walked away leaving Srujana in a state of shock and disbelief. *** Rohan’s hands moved swiftly on the keyboard. He wasn’t sure if the ending would fit into the prompt “Serendipity’.   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!