The Race Circuit

Vishwanathan Iyer posted under PenMuse-51 Poetry on 2023-04-11

The finish line is start of a new race Every individual is stuck everyday The new race has a newer face The improvement happens in phase Consistency is the key, to say The finish line is start of a new race The physique guides to tie the lace The strong mind though leads the pathway The new race has a newer face A runner prepares for many days Trains on terrains near or far away The finish line is start of a new race The preparations to increase the pace Gives hint of results coming your way The new race has a newer face The passion of running is the craze Keeps ones winning hopes in the fray The finish line is start of a new race The new race has a newer face     Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!