The Real Me

Vijeta Harishankar posted under PenMuse-17 Poetry on 2020-03-17

On tenterhooks I went towards her Her countenance shimmered reflecting the dawn rays I deep dived into her cavernous eyes. The place where I could find my veridical Self Those silver streaks and freckled dermis, The crow's feet and the protruding veins, They spoke volumes for me to hear The sagging rind and the enfeebled structure Echoed a thousand Words in one blink I stood appalled by what she showed me Was it the real me or my doppelganger? The time had flown in Blitzkrieg pace How long have I been on this planet? May be zillion before this life The mortal ages but not the soul With each birth I will wear a new peel Oh Mirror! Don't show just my outer shell Won't you divulge my real soul age? Your false reflection can't deter my persona As with each new life my soul grows wiser __


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