The Roadside Acquaintance

Minal Khedkar posted under PenMuse-01 Poetry on 2018-11-18

The day was Monday, the month was December, My feet were struggling to step out. For experiencing this chilling winter. Along the street in the dark night, Were the snowy trees wearing street light. My hands were shivering, were chuckling in my pocket, My heart was mumbling, wanting to propel like a rocket. Out of happiness thought my happy mind, Something hot, Something sweet, n yess... There I find.

A little shop welcomed for a hot cake bite, Before getting my piece of cake, my eyes travelled through a blissful sight. A little boy having sold off, all his balloons for the day, Counting the handful of pennies stretched a smile more beautiful than a ray. Running and jumping came the hungry hands, ordered for the cake as fast as he can, His eyes stopped his eating hands, his compassionate heart then swiftly ran. Under the tree was a little puppy, struggling to fight this chilling winter, The hot cake made his body warm as soon as it enter.

I lost my breath with the beauty of the scene, How you nurture your beautiful heart in this cruel world of mean. My heart went home with your memory deep inside, My eyes struggle to have a look at you, to check your growing ride. My feet await this day of December, to visit my favorite road-side.
