The Roommate

Sudha Vishwanathan posted under Flash Fiction QuinTale-62 on 2024-04-05

Riya ran through the Madurai Medical College hostel notice board. Room 23 Riya Chowdhury - Maragadhavalli Veluswamy.  'What an archaic name?' Riya had already developed an aversion to her roommate, but she had no option other than putting up with whoever was allocated her room for the first semester. Studying at this medical college was a dream come true. It was a different story that Riya's dad had 'bought' the seat for his arrogant and academically weak daughter. Her mediocre appearance testified that Maragadhavalli was not affluent like Riya. 'How will this girl afford the fees?' a smirk escaped Riya's lips. "Hi, I am Maragadhavalli. You can call me Valli." The girl extended her hand cordially.  Letting Riya's apathy not affect her, Valli asked, "From where are you?" Reluctantly, Riya replied, " I am originally from Kolkata, but my father's job brought us to Vijayawada in 2020." Suddenly, Valli's face turned pale. "The following year, I left Vijayawada," She sighed.  The conversation abruptly stopped when two girls from the neighboring room came. "Hey, Valli, I came looking for you," One of the girls hugged her. Turning towards Riya, she said, "Your grades will be great with Valli as your roommate." She told Riya that Valli was a meritorious student, and her education had been entirely sponsored by the village chief, where she had to shift after her father's untimely death. "Her family stays next to my grandmother's house."  Riya's stance towards Valli softened. They became excellent friends, though their dispositions were starkly contrasting. Riya was a party buff, while Valli was the studious type. She did not have the kind of money to squander, anyway. Riya would offer to pay for her, but Valli declined. "You are teaching me; let us say this is your fee," Riya often said. "I help you with your studies because we are friends." Valli would smile and let the conversation end. It was a Saturday night. Returning from a party inebriated, Riya fell down several steps in the dark stairway. "There is heavy blood loss. We need more blood," the doctor at the hospital said, looking perturbed. Some students did donate, but it fell short.  Riya's father rushed from Vijayawada but reached only to see his daughter's still body. All his wealth seemed inconspicuous in front of destiny. Back in the room, Valli looked at her father's photo. ‘There may have been a delay, but justice has been served today, Appa*.’ She wiped her hot tears. 'God brought me and Riya to the same hostel room. I hated the girl, the daughter of the man who was solely responsible for shattering our family. I pretended to be friendly with her." Valli removed some paper cuttings. 'Veluswamy Thevar, the chief clerk at Abhyudaya Pharmaceuticals, was interrogated for fraudulence of money worth eight crores.' ‘Your senior Brijesh Chowdhury, the culprit, dodged the law with his money power, pushing you to end your life. In return, today, I literally pushed his daughter to death.’ Glossary Appa------Father Author’s note: Names used in the story for people, institute or company are fictitious.