The Sea Maverick

Arupam Maity posted under Flash Fiction QuinTale-15 on 2020-01-29

She was back. Same room...same window, eastward, a three-side box actually...a hotel at left...main road in front and leads to right with no end in sight. After steward’s departure, Rihana went straight to open the black tinted glass window-sill. She looked straight at the restaurant just opposite. It’s daytime...lunch crowd was over...a few people are seated only, relaxing with earplug. Her eyes were moving elsewhere. She was looking for someone but she had no idea about him. She returned after a break of three long years.  In this long absence, she made no attempt to contact him. ----------------------  After a quick refreshing, she left for the restaurant. Daylight was slowly disappearing and gentle breeze was blowing to disperse her hairs. Rihana adjusted the head-cap. She took one chair at far and was too much preoccupied to find at least anyone of those old guys, that Ritesh, Suhana, Jeevan or Moran.  ‘Good afternoon! Ma’m!’ Rihana was unhappy. She expected someone from those four who can help to find him. She left after an hour. She didn’t find any clue either about those four or about the man...once thought to ask the manager directly but shelved the idea...found no support from inside. ----------------------  Next morning, Rihana headed straight at right of her hotel for the river nearby. Last night, she couldn’t sleep well. After walking about twenty minutes, she appeared at the river-bank. It was same as earlier...calm water...occasional movement of fishing boats... flashback of old was reminding her everything. Slowly she lost in herself. At best, it was a matter of ten-fifteen minutes. Hoosh! Suddenly a water-scooter with a rider and a guide, from left appeared in front of her. It was like a rocket. Before the blink of her eye, the machine went past and quickly vanished in the horizon. Rihana was yet to come out of the sight but she could remember that she saw the person. Yeah, it was the guide. She returned with happiness that finally she found the man whom she was looking for. -------------------------  At Goa, the problem, tourists have to face always is scarcity of drinking water. At early next morning, Rihana left hotel to buy water. This time she headed left to find shop. Morning at Goa has one unique feature. Since nightlong party continues very late, shops remain close up to ten. But Rihana was lucky. She found one shop, just half-open. She approached. There was nobody. After few minutes a lady appeared and to her utter surprise, she was none other than Suhana.  ‘Oh My God, it’s you, finally I find.’ -----------------------  Their speedboat crossed the allure to enter the sea. Splashes of waves...mid bright sunlight... yachts elsewhere... flock of dolphins...hazy fog snow-like...all are same exactly as the dream comes to her frequently.  Suhana asked, ‘What’s the meaning of your dream? What doctors are saying about?’ Without answering, Rihana asked, ‘What happened to your marriage?’ Suhana smiled, ‘Want to meet him?’ ___________ ___________   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!