The Singing Donkey

arti782 posted under Flash Fiction QuinTale-29 on 2021-04-11

“I did it!” Melody jumped with joy showing the best singer trophy to her parents. “I am going to tell my friends,” she hugged them and galloped away. With teary eyes, mama donkey remembered how worried they were about Melody’s interest in music. A donkey singer? Everyone might have made fun of her. Instead, they encouraged Melody to accomplish her dream. Melody practiced with dedication, and her hard work finally paid off. “We are so fortunate to be surrounded by such nice friends,” mama said. “Yes! We should invite everyone to celebrate,” papa suggested. All the animals attended the party, including King Simba and some of his royal guests from the neighboring jungle. “Melody! Why don’t you sing for all of us?” Simba requested. “Yes! I want to record and share it on Pawgram and JungleBook,” said Herald rabbit, one of the royal guests. “Pawgram and JungleBook?” Melody was curious. “Don’t you know? These are amazing networks to share and learn.” Herald downloaded the apps on Melody’s phone. ************************* Later that night, Melody checked her phone. 1500 Likes! She was on cloud nine. Overwhelmed with excitement, she kept on checking her phone every minute. By morning she had more than 5,000 likes and followers. “Put your phone down and finish your breakfast,” said mama, but Melody was busy replying to all those comments on her post.  “Look, papa! There are many videos from other singers and music experts. I can learn so much from them.” Melody felt exhilarated. “That’s great.” Papa smiled. They thought it’s just a craze for few days and will go away with time, but Melody became addicted to it. “Five minutes! Let me post this first,” she always replied whenever her friends called her for playing, but those five minutes always turned into hours. Busy surfing the internet until after midnight, she slept till late in the morning and skipped her singing practice. Melody started to copy other singers who received more likes in their posts and felt depressed when her song received fewer likes. Always glued to her phone, she looked restless and lonely. Worried parents consulted Wise owl to find some way out of this situation. “Hmm…... Keep Melody away from social media for some time.” Owl suggested. *** Melody was furious to hear this, as she couldn’t imagine her life without the internet. The first few days were very distressing, but soon she started sleeping peacefully throughout the night and resumed her singing practice in the mornings. Now she felt happy and relaxed. One day, mama invited some of her school friends for lunch. Both mama and papa were delighted to see Melody playing and laughing wholeheartedly after such a long time. “I missed you all. Where were you all these days?” Melody asked her friends. “We were here, but you were so busy to notice us,” replied Emily zebra. Melody realized her mistake and promised everyone that she would use social media wisely without letting it influence her in any negative way. Authors Note: Social media benefits youth and teens by helping them develop communication skills, pursue their interests, and share ideas, but persistent use of these social platforms can be addicting and  cause a negative impact on the mental health and well-being of users. It is important to maintain a healthy balance and use technology wisely.


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