The “Snowman’s Act”

Mrinalinee Patro posted under PenMuse-14 Poetry on 2019-12-11

“Let it snow!” came out my wild shriek,
Unheard as always, it died out mild and bleak.
Advent of winter ushers in my yearly act,
The stage is set for another grand impact.

As the frosty white stars drizzled from the sky,
“Hey, it’s snowing”, you hear little Johnny’s cry.
The land enveloped by an icy white carpet,
The time for my frozen reincarnation is all set.

Crafted by tiny hands with giggles and love,
Flaunting a favourite muffler and a black hat above.
Resurfaces the Snowman after an annual hiatus
To enact the role of a Joker in this frozen circus.

Cold-blooded and cold-hearted might be my essence,
But, warmth and happiness lingers in my presence.
A lone spectator standing fixed amidst snowy locales,
A mute witness to frolicking acts and heart melting tales.

The “Snowman’s Act” is always the most awaited,
Its momentousness however is subtly understated.
As winter approaches spring, for a soulful union,
I beg of a final performance before I melt into oblivion!
