The Standard of Beauty

Sharda Mishra posted under Flash Fiction QuinTale-29 on 2021-04-15

The bored animals decided to hold a beauty contest in the zoo because they had nothing purposeful to do. How would each animal persuade the mighty judge, Grillya the gorilla, that they should win? Who would she choose?  *** Welcome to our 90th annual birds and animals beauty contest. I’m your host, Jurie the judicious donkey. Let's get started!!! All that glitters is gold, with contestant number one, Lady Gigi the giraffe! Beautiful, regal, and majestic. She’s tall and special. No other animal has such neat orange squares all over their body. She must have counted each square before the contest.  Who counted them?  None other than our gracious slimy snail. She climbed up with her calculator and counted each square, but as she was climbing down, “plop”, she fell and cracked her shell; unable to participate. And here is contestant number two, Zuju the zebra! With stripes of black and white already on her back, she has worked hard adding red stripes too. WOW! So creative. Welcome our contestant number three! Wendy!! The great white egret, sharing her classic step and lift of the neck, has been the reigning champion for the last three years.  Will she win again? Our next contestant is Barbara the heron, making the outstanding choice to show her shadow. Could she be a game changer? Here’s our beloved Fanny, the gracious wallaby!! One day she got sun-burns from playing in the sun. Sadly, a few faded spots are still left.  Oh, no!! Breaking twist… Wendy has been disqualified for using beauty enhancing steroids and botox. Our last contestant is the poodle Stacy with the best ‘Arooooo’ and white, elegant fluffy fur. Her poodle friends Alice, Nutsy, and Gassy Jill have tagged along with her to the contest. One big sniff tells her that she isn't the only one who smells funny.  Gassy Jill smells like sweet peas, but I'm guessing with a name like that, that sweet smell is fleeting. Pretty gosh darn funny and I'm glad she came!  Get ready for a rolling good time with Stacy, her hilariously named pals, and the other contestants as they cause mayhem in the zoo. *** Each contestants’ scorecards were checked because the judges were not supposed to be bribed. They counted every single vote, no matter how long it took. *** And the winner is...Fanny, the wallaby! YAY! Fanny, please take your victory walk to the podium!  Shocking news… Grillya has disqualified Fanny for the muck and mud on her body! Nooo... As the animals roll and ramble, the pageant is in shambles. I've been asked to take the crown off Fanny’s head. “Let’s not stoop to the level of humans,” I said. “I can’t dump Fanny unceremoniously because of some misleading information. They are sun-burns, not muck and mud on her body. I refuse to uncrown Fanny.” Fanny still shines like a star! *** Moral: Ladies from the animal and human world, come forth with a heart, and respect each other, without jumping to conclusions.


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