The Success Behind the Failure

Roshni Thomas posted under Flash Fiction QuinTale-11 on 2019-08-25

She read the mail again today. Unfortunately, your article does not qualify to be published in our journal. We appreciate your effort and look forward to having more work coming from you in future. Regards, Puneet Vinayak The expected rejection didn’t upset her. But what tickled her more was the signature in the mail. “Puneet Vinayak !!” It took her back to her training days in a premium organization. She emerged the batch topper, and there was exactly one guy who couldn’t fight through the various trials. And he was Mr. Puneet Vinayak. ‘Can this be the same person?’, the thought was enough to give her sleepless nights. ‘Can the worthless, looser be strong enough to reject me?’ She never questioned any rejections up to now, but this time she decided to. She collected all her courage, prepared questions around her article and rushed to the originator's office. She survived the protests from the support staff against her insistence to meet without an appointment, when they finally steered her to the library where she could wait for the assessor to join her.  Strolling through the lanes, she could find collections written by “Puneet Vinayak”. She was impressed by the intellect of the author whilst she read through the series. Finally, her gasp caught the thin book named “The success behind the failure.” The book detailed how a small-town boy ended up in an elite organization. A small failure that motivated him to impulse harder. The organization that chucked him out of a training batch, later chased him to get their whitepaper approved. “Hello, is it me you’re looking for?” As she turned towards the voice, she saw the same old Puneet standing in front of her. The same crooked grin, but a much smarter persona. “I wanted to commend you for your brilliant series.” She said, as she was looking for words. “Well thank you!! I am glad.” He countered in amusement. She couldn’t contain her mettle anymore and decided to take his leave, when he called out, “Aloka!! I am glad you came over; did you not recognize me.” “I do, of course!!” she was running short of words, when he continued. “I read your article, I was glad you still write, but you need to upgrade yourself a bit more.” He continued to advise her “I think you have stopped reading for a while now. Can I suggest you some reads?” She knew every word he said was spot-on, she thanked him as they parted ways. He had come a long way from that failure and she still stood at that point of success. Life has its own way to teach you lessons, he wished her well today though she never regarded him then.   ______ For more of such content follow us on Social Media: _______