The Suppression

Bhavna Kaushik posted under Guest Posts PenMuse-33 Poetry on 2021-09-22

Black burqas march, some support Taliban Shariya laws are imposed Women in men's guise strive, make escape plans Women’s rights are disposed Spirit of womanhood cries, challenges ban Post selfies to oppose Codes, veils, women subservient to clan? Humanity exposed Women laugh at God Adam's rib borne Eve? Manu's women, dependent on men? Equals juxtaposed  Legacies are bequeathed  She procreates for men’s world with elan Love bites to decompose.  Footnotes: According to Bible, God created the first man on earth on the 6th day of the creation from dust. Then he created woman from a rib of the man.  In the Hindu scriptures, Manusmriti believed to be written by Lord Brahama and handed over to the first man, Manu, is a detailed description on dharma. Manusmriti declares that "women must be honored and adorned", but the text also states, "a woman must never seek to live independently”.

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