The Tiger

Lakshmi Menon posted under PenMuse-37 Poetry on 2022-01-16

Leading the fauna, the king sans a crown, Languorous till he harkens his belly growl, Listening in discord, eyeing with orbs brown, Lying low for the pounce, a tiger on the prowl. Embarking on a journey of many miles, Earmarking his domain, he ambles in solitude. Earnestly seeking aqueous aisles, Esse, pursuing quietude. Man’s greed has his numbers dwindling, Macabre massacres for his robe with a sheen. Marring survival, habitat ever-shrinking, Mainland whittling from the verdant green. Apex predators, now an endangered species, Alive a few, they need protection. Act now, conserve, else we’ll leave only stories, And pictures for the next generation.   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!