The Unheard Conversations

Moumita Dutta posted under Flash Fiction QuinTale-27 on 2021-02-18

“Sniffff! Huh! This feels good. Finally some fresh air.”  Gabbie sounded joyful. “True brother! Luckily we got some blissful days to enjoy,” added Scott.  Years ago, Scott was stationed on the pavement, of the central park. Gabbie arrived a week after and was positioned right beside Scott. Over the years, they became firm friends. Both were named after their inventors, and they tried their best to be of use to others. “I don’t wish to be mean, yet, I think, the current situation is a blessing to many like us,” said Scott. It was sad to see those ignorant beings act carelessly. Except for a handful few, most manhandled my possessions.” “You spoke my heart out, buddy. Since day one, I've offered my lap wholeheartedly. But then, some simply stamp on me with their dirty shoes. Yuck!” exclaimed Gabbie. “They even plonk their plump prats on my planks without a care.”  “Hahaha! I can feel you, bro.” Scott chuckled. “Worse is when they pick their nose and wipe them on my wall. It was a torture to watch such nasty acts in silence. Somehow I’m happy about this lockdown thing. Look at me... All clean, inside and out.” “Yea! Your scarlet cloak and my hazel lumbers are shining. My mind is at peace too. Remember how they used to throw the disposables in that lake? And that too while enjoying a comfortable seat on my lap. Hais! If only they could hear my pleas.” Gabbie grumbled. Scott confessed, “You know what I miss most-the unending chats of the young lovers. From voicing promises to articulating verses of love...they do all. A few even hum songs for their mates. Some bang their fists in rage and some lean to shed a tear. I hold several secrets in my heart. They trust me and feel safe inside my haven. It kinda feels good.” “Well, I miss the chitter-chatter of the kids.” Gabbie sulked. “I’m sure they are desperate to come to the park. And ‘twas fun to hear the ladies gossip. Be it their spouses, kids or neighbours pets- they always had something to whine about. But they had foreign trips and branded assets to boast of. Their inane chit-chats enlightened me. So ‘twas not that bad to have them around.” “Every situation has its pros and cons,” Scott remarked. “We felt relieved and nature got healed. But no one wished for a pause at the cost of mortal lives. We complain and get angry when they soil our hide. Yet, we’ve been enjoying each other’s company for decades now. If not for them, you and I wouldn’t have met, right?” “Yes, I agree with you bro. It’s been months now. I hope everything goes back to normal. To be honest, at times, I miss the clatter and commotion. Everyone is hygiene conscious nowadays. Going forth, I don’t think we will have much to complain about. Haha! Whatsay?” Asked Gabbie. Scott winked at his mate, “Till then, let’s keep our fingers crossed.”


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