The Unrecognizable

Jacob John posted under PenMuse-51 Poetry on 2023-04-17

He stared but he could not decipher, that touch seemed familiar yet unknown she held his hand a little tighter. Wife of many years and his partner, Facing him and wondered how time had flown, He stared but he could not decipher. On birth he shouted it's my daughter, and when they walked through path life had thrown, She held his hand a little tighter. He was always a hero for her, With teary eyes she said, "I am your own." He stared but he could not decipher. His life he dedicated as a teacher, His mother's words had this idea sown. She held his hand a little tighter. He taught and showed society the mirror. But today as his wife showed his image full blown, He stared but he could not decipher. She held his hand a little tighter. Authors note: The agony the family goes through when dementia strikes is unfathomable, but what goes in the mind of the affected person is still a mystery. They still require that love and the touch.     Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!