The Unwelcome Newbie

Sunita Sahu posted under Flash Fiction QuinTale-37 on 2022-01-19

*Ting-Tong* "Coming!" An ecstatic Teeya boisterously descended the stairs, however the moment she opened the door, her keen eyes turned carmine with rage. "You! Get out! I don't wanna see your face!" "Tell me just why oh why? Seeing me your BP soared high!" "Shit! Now that you have arrived already, I can't even kick you out!" Teeya stormed towards her room, fuming and dejected. Since when has she turned this hostile towards me? Why does she abhor me so much? Myriad of conflicting thoughts hovered over my mind. Being new to this city, I was expecting an amiable welcome. But...... Travelling down the memory lane, I reminisced about my first meeting with Teeya on her 15th birthday in her Mumbai abode. My presence literally invoked butterflies, fireflies, and moths in her stomach. She seemed reluctant to befriend me at first. Thanks to some of her friends who poisoned her mind saying, "He’s a devil in disguise!"  Nevertheless, I won her mom's heart instantly and she assuaged Teeya to trust me. Her mom even arranged for a welcome party, and we enjoyed together as a family. I ensured to visit their house once a month despite my hectic schedule. They recently moved to Bangalore, and I had never been there before.  "Why not surprise Teeya and take a tour of the city simultaneously?" I thought. "Ahhhhhhhhh!" A loud shriek dragged me back to reality. I rushed upstairs and found Teeya sobbing inconsolably. "Teey....." "Go away, you monster! You just arrived out of the blue. It's Deeya's wedding tomorrow, damn it! Your presence has spoiled all the fun." Teeya's razor-sharp words pierced deep into my heart.  Did I make a mistake by visiting unexpectedly? Am I not supposed to grace Deeya's special day? Aren't we a family after all? "I-I-I won't stay for a week like I used to earlier. Please bear with me."  Alas! My glistening eyes, wobbly voice and desperate pleas failed to penetrate that concrete wall enshrouding Teeya's heart. She kept cursing me and treating me like I was some pest nibbling on her happiness.  Ah! How I wish to flee from this city and her life taking away the excruciating pain she is experiencing right now! I searched for return flights and the next immediate slot was available five days after. Being a newbie, I didn't have any other option but to stay with Teeya as she was the only friend I knew in Bangalore. "I'm sorry Teeya!" "Buuuuaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!" "Teeya dear, what happened?" Teeya's mom rushed upstairs hearing her wails. "Mommy! My period arrived ten days early and I can't stand this pain. The plans I made for Deeya's wedding are all ruined now!" Teeya whined. "Ah! Don't be a crybaby. You should be happy that your uterus is healthy. Here, have these chocolates and gimme a broad smile." Teeya's mom came to my rescue yet again. Crimson drops of joy oozed from my eyes sousing Teeya's underwear and her bedsheet just like those good old days.   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!