The Virus

Archie Iyer posted under PenMuse-14 Poetry on 2019-12-21

There once was a girl, pretty and smart, For whom winning was a perfected art. Topper at school, in college and MBA, First in campus placement, expecting more wins on the way.. Six months later: “A presentation”, said the Boss, “Next week, to finicky foreign client Mr. Ross!!” “Succeed.  The biggest ever deal will be ours.. And the fastest ever promotion will surely be yours.” For six days she put in labour and toil, Days in office, nights burning midnight oil. Morning of the presentation, she woke.  “Achhooo!!” She had a cold, a headache and the flu. She popped a pill and went anyway, But it was somehow not to be her day.  The presentation began, fever rose, she fumbled, “Achhooo!!” She got delirious, she mumbled. “This is unprofessional, pathetic, gross!!” Screamed and walked away, finicky Mr. Ross. She ran home and sobbed on Mumma's shoulders, Mumma shocked!  “You haven’t cried in years!!” “A cold, a virus made me fail, I’ve never failed, I feel so useless, the Boss will have me nailed.” “Sweetiepie", said Mumma, “you have learnt a lot, From so many, now you learn what failure has taught. The virus that failed you is not only the cold, Success in the head is a virus tenfold.. Success is the limelight, but failure is grace A stepping stone to what you once more can ace..  So, my girl, get up, dust yourself and soar.. Taller, stronger.. In time, the world would be yours!!” __________________ __________________