The Winner

Bindu Pillai posted under Flash Fiction QuinTale-26 on 2021-01-15

Stephanie took the centre stage. She saw her three favourite judges in front of her. She was both nervous and excited. After the brief introduction, she took the mike, closed her eyes and sang her heart out. She stood there with her eyes still closed for a while. Slowly she opened her eyes. All three judges were giving her a standing ovation. The audience went berserk on hearing her. For a whole five minutes she stood there on the stage listening to the thunderous clapping from the audience and the judges. Stephanie felt on top of the world. It all felt so unreal. And to think this was just the audition round. It was time for the judges to reveal the scores. One of them asked her,”Why did you select this song for the audition?” Stephanie was prepared for this question. She replied,”I chose to sing Adele’s 21 as she sang this song when she turned 21 and just see the success she achieved. I celebrated my 21st birthday yesterday and I want to follow the footsteps of my idol Adele.” The judges looked at each other and gave her the perfect score: 10, 10, 10. Stephanie jumped up with joy. Apart from getting the perfect score, she also got The Golden Mike from the judges catapulting her straight to the Top 15 of America’s Got Talent. Hugging the golden mike close to her heart, she ran outside to the waiting arms of her mother crying out loud,”Mother I made it, I made it.” Her mother held her close and replied,”Yes my darling, you have proved yourself .I am so proud of you. This is just the beginning.” As they sat in the car both mother and daughter were lost in their own thoughts. Stephanie’s mother recollected the day Stephanie was born. When she went for her check up in the 21st week, her doctor noticed a congenital defect in the baby’s heart rhythm. A fetal echocardiogram was done by a certified sonographer. Her heart sank on hearing about an abnormality but her gynaecologist assured her that there was nothing to worry about. Approximately 1 of every 125 children are detected with this rare defect. With advanced medical care, children could lead a normal life till adulthood.So after 21 hours of labour Stephanie was born on the 21st and kept in ICCU for 21 days. After a further stay of 21 days, Stephanie was brought home. Stephanie remembered her mother’s prophetic words on her 21st birthday. After the grand party her mother had thrown for her, she had taken Stephanie aside and said,”You are a born survivor. Your birth number is going to be very lucky for you. It is symbolic of success, completion and the fulfillment of your desires. It promises a life of triumph and victory. You are special my child. You will reach great heights.” She looked at the trophy in her hand and hugged her mother again. _______________________________


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