The Woman I Am

Kylie Romanillos posted under Guest Posts Poetry on 2018-12-04

For the moon never gave beams tonight, Like no traces of its existence, nor light And no stars twinkle, no bright, Distinctly I realized it’s starless a night

Only I see a reflection of a sorrowful mistress, A reflection of a grieving soul A crestfallen smile that mirrors my own Only I see this, the darkness, and nothing more

As I try to ponder her thoughts, she ponders what’s mine And as I move ever so gently, she moves as I did No it isn’t coincidence that we were moving in sync We were connected souls, I think

She was woman whose dignity have fallen so low, Her state of having nothing taking advantage of her But the art made by the hate they gave Is when flowers beautifully sprung upon her brokenness

And distinctly I realized, she’s the woman I am.