This Too Shall Pass

Deepa Jandial posted under PenMuse-30 Poetry on 2021-05-17

The times are challenging.  There’s hue and cry everywhere.  Situation is appalling.  This seems like a never-ending nightmare.  Unknown or acquaintances, all are suffering.  There’s hue and cry everywhere.  Businesses shut, production straggling.  Markets unpeopled, roads deserted.  Unknown or acquaintances, all are suffering.  The kids are beleaguered.  Schools vacant, corridors stock-still. Markets unpeopled, roads deserted.  When shall this world again become a place tranquil? Poor kids are repaying the sins of the evil.  Schools vacant, corridors stock-still.  Let’s send healing vibes, be a tad gentle.  That’s the need of the hour, our true calling.  Poor kids are repaying the sins of the evil.  Situation is appalling. Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!