Those months - Eight!

Sonal Singh posted under PenMuse-09 Poetry on 2019-07-16

One day she woke up, found herself bald Oh how she cried, she sobbed, she bawled Her lustrous tresses were gone, you know For a hair transplant, the doctor said - No. Cancer robbed her, left her feeling so weak It happened suddenly, like just last week. One day she was fine, just had a dull pain The next day, she slumped against the pane. The glass broke, shattered piece by piece From that moment on, she had no peace. Weak and nauseous she sunk into a hole But her kin rallied, supported her whole To be depressed, she was not all allowed Gradually health returned; spoke aloud Instead of just picking at food, she ate Cancer she beat after months eight. ______________ ______________