Through My Eyes, See the World

Achla Nagar posted under Poetry on 2023-08-06

Through my eyes, see the world Life's vibrant dance in rhyme, Everywhere we find place, In love's  cadence, hearts align, Dreams take flight,  hearts embrace. Through my eyes, see the world With our love , we'll touch souls  With  laughter, seek to soar Everyone will feel love  Life's journey we'll explore. Through my eyes, see the world We find dreams  in  nature  It spreads like raging fire Although it is my style Use it as you desire. Through my eyes, see the world Cherish  breath, on each step  Embrace life's ebb and flow  In love's embrace, we'll shine Everywhere love's light glow.      Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!