Till Fate Do US Apart

Kajal Kapur posted under Book Review on 2024-09-01

'Till Fate Do Us Part' by Smita Das Jain is the story of Vedika whose daughter, Samiksha, is in pain and needs medical help. She finds Dr. Gaurang, the best doctor around. Impressed by his kindness and skill, she chooses him for her daughter’s treatment and surgery. As Vedika continues to visit Dr. Gaurang, he seems to start falling for her. But will he confess his love? His friend thinks 'note' but Gaurang feels that it was love in the first meeting, and despite her 'married ' status he continues to lean towards her.

This is a captivating story of love, struggle, and sacrifice. Especially on Vedika's part. The one scene where she is patiently assisting an X-ray done for her daughter really tugged at my heart. Apart from her personal struggles and emotions, Vedika also deals with challenges at work and a troubled marriage. She finds comfort in Dr. Gaurang, who becomes more attached to her with each visit. The story becomes more intense with each chapter. There is a segment where lives of corporate professionals is detailed out as Vedika finds herself in the midst of her professional challenges. These seem to multiply her tribulations further.

Even though Vedika has been portrayed as a determined and strong-willed, person, I could not sympathise with her due to her stubbornness. Dr. Gaurang’s empathy and approach made him a likeable character but his reasons for falling in love with Vedika did not seem compelling. We see the struggles they both face and how their friendship develops but the electricity of the platonic bond was missing. Rohan was a character I would've liked to know more of. Even though he is the husband and eventually Vedika makes peace with him, his character did not lift up from a secondary character in the background.

Nonetheless, the story was fast-paced, and therefore, it was a quick read. The narrative was light and the language was engaging. By the end, it all falls into place and gives us a predictable outcome making it a go-to book for anyone who enjoys light reads.