Impassioned plea it was but fell on deaf ears…
The clouds drifted across the starched sky…
Mercilessly the sun shone…
The storm that was brewing has settled down...
The slow-moving response was ratcheting up the discord...
The lunatic laughed a casual laugh, a cold shoulder laugh…
A painful laugh, followed by cold feet laugh...
The benign zephyr turned into a crescendo...
The apathy triggered a storm in the chilly winter night...
Cold winds of outrage created furore...
The restless mind riven by the conflicts between should and should-nots...
It's time to ring the death knell for unending onslaught on woman...
No more cold shoulder…
No more cold wars...
No more cold stare…
No more cold treatment...
No more cold feet…
No more cold blooded atrocities...
A new dawn has arrived!