Tintinnabulation of Courage

Priya Washikar posted under Flash Fiction QuinTale-19 on 2020-05-25

"Sorry, Father for I have sinned!" Over the last year, Melissa had attended the Sunday Church service over a hundred times. But she never mustered the courage to speak these words. It struck her suddenly today, that maybe she never meant them! Ding-dong! The peals of the six o’clock Church bells reverberated in the morning silence. These bells had been her alarm for the last ten years. But today she was wide awake. Ten years! At times it seemed unreal to her that so much time had elapsed since she’d got married to James and set foot in this quaint little town of Durbun, in Belgium. It was so hard to forget some memories. Most of which were of anguish and despair. Thud! James rained blows on her feeble body. Ouch! She had winced in pain. No one had come to her rescue when she’d lost the baby. Melissa wiped a stray tear. The tintinnabulations of the Church bells were at times her only companion when James left her huddled in a dark room for days. They were her only connection with the outside world in those arduous times. Pitter-patter the rain danced on the rooftop this morning. Whoosh! The winds whistled through the trees. It was going to be a cold season, she thought. But she’ll be long gone! Splatttt…The cold water caressed her beautiful, unmarked face. She stared at herself in the mirror and a proud smile crept at the corners of her mouth. No one really knew that her petite frame belied an inner steel will. It was exactly one year today. She thought and looked away. But James had left her with no choice. She’d had enough of his tyrant, inhuman ways. She had to put an end to the matter. Once and for all! Vroom! An inebriated James had sped off on his bike. The mangled remains of his body nor the vehicle had been found till date. The cops had launched a massive search operation in the Durbuy valley. The case remained unsolved in their files. Well! All events have an anniversary. Hmm! Almost all! Whieee! The whistle of her tea kettle brought her back to the present. Just one cup of tea and she was good to go! She loaded her luggage in the Taxi. One last stop before she bids adieu to this place. Click-clack! The sound of her heels echoed in the Church aisle. She offered a silent prayer. Melissa sighed as she stepped out of the Church and sat in the cab just as the Church bells echoed It was time for the flight to Lucerne. A new life! On the way to the airport, Melissa looked back at the Church bells one last time, as if paying an ode to them. After all, these tintinnabulations had been her strength in her turbulent years. In Life, seldom courage and hope come from unexpected quarters!                                              ********************


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