
Alpna Das Sharma posted under Flash Fiction QuinTale-24 on 2020-11-27

The lonely, unkempt pathway to the cemetery didn’t discourage Vik from the task. As he trudged along, the wind ruffling the overgrown weeds interspersed by an occasional hoot from a wary owl kept him company.Sounds that scared others reassured him of being on the right track. Working as a paranormal  investigator came with its own thrills and challenges. Stubbing the cigarette on the obligatory fence, he smirked. “Could it stop the inhabitants from mingling with their counterparts outside or visiting their past?” *** As the gate to her shared abode creaked open, Beth smelt him. Even across life and death and  different realms, the rare, heady whiff of valour and honesty was unmistakable and so attractive. Instinctively she smoothened her pale gown and struggled to tame her unruly hair.  How is one even supposed to do that hanging upside down from the withered branch of an old tree?” She snorted, giving up. As the sound of trespassing footsteps grew closer, Beth could make out a muscular silhouette in the moonlight wielding a camera like object, scouting her surroundings. “Good Heavens! I most positively refuse to be photographed like this!” She screamed. The man’s laughter bellowed through the sinister silence that her home was synonymous with. “What do we have here? A vampire conscious of her social media image, is it?” Chuckled Vik. “Is there a doctrine banning that?” Came Beth’s curt reply. “Anyway, you happen to be intruding into my life without permission. “Life? He he…get a life! Mocked Vik. “This raucous laughter of yours is such a turn off!” Sighed Beth. “I ain’t here to sweep you off your feet, lady....oh sorry, … I forgot  …. feet.. haha!”sniggered Vik. Beth rolled her eyes downwards. “I am here because you have been sighted near the Alberto mansion on multiple occasions causing the residents extreme distress. Any particular reason?” “None of your business!” chided Beth checking her long nails. “Am investigating this matter and can charge you for terrorising innocent individuals of a reputable family.” Reprimanded Vik. “Then what, dear? The gallows, is it…ooh, am scared…haha!” Giggled Beth. Reputable” She resisted spitting knowing it would kind of back-fire. “Senior Mrs Alberto almost died of a heart attack when you flew past her window the other day!” Cried Vik. “Serves her right.The old hag knew what her son was upto. Luring young models, romancing them, false promises, indecent pics and then blackmailing. I was trapped so badly, I committed suicide.” Beth recounted in anger “They hushed it all up!” “Oh” empathized Vik. “Not my domain, but I will inform the concerned inspector.” “Not required. You see, Alberto is in coma. Impending paralysis. An hour back, inebriated, he jumped into the empty swimming pool at his club. Someone had put the board declaring ‘NO SWIMS’ upside down. It read ‘SWIMS ON’. Shocked,Vik muttered “How do you know?” “I just happened to be there at the club. Hanging from green trees is a nice change. Hehe! ” replied Beth with a topsy turvy smile. Authors note:- I don’t know why but the prompt took me to the Vikram-Betaal episodes that I saw on TV and that inspired me to coin Vik and Beth!!


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