Toy for Joy

Lamiya Basheer posted under Guest Posts PenMuse-48 Poetry on 2023-01-23

A toy, I cry for one to play One with sound, merry and gay Take mamma's spoons and her pots Cling clang, cling clang, it go lots. Vibrant toy when has to be Like a rainbow I do see I grab my granny's scarf, woolen And be a lamb that's hidden. 'Riding toy', when I do cry On papa's back, I go high Papa elephant, trip I go Laughing all the way we go. When I need a plushy one Papas' pillow will be spun I can hug it, tight and right Off I sleep, lying on it.   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!